February 18, 2009

Konversi ke Word Menggunakan PHP

Untuk menampilkan data dari web kita ke bentuk Word ada beberapa hal yang mesti dilengkapi terlebih dahulu, yang pertama sekali adalah class rtf untuk mengubah ke format dokumen data di web Anda. Download php class di http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/1805.html, ini adalah class yang di buat oleh Thomas Graham dari United Kingdom.
Setelah di download ekstrak ke dalam satu folder,dan pastikan bahwa di folder tersebut terdapat, class_rtp.php, getrtf.php, rtf_config.php,source_rtf.php,index.html. Yang bertugas untuk mengubah pengiriman teks ke format rtf adalah getrtf, untuk mencobanya jalankan di browser Anda index.html.
berikut contoh script:


// $rtf->setPaperOrientation(1);
// $rtf->setDefaultFontFace(0);
// $rtf->setDefaultFontSize(24);
// $rtf->setAuthor("noginn");
// $rtf->setOperator("me@noginn.com");
// $rtf->setTitle("RTF Document");
// $rtf->addColour("#000000");
// $rtf->addText($_POST['text']);
// $rtf->getDocument();


class rtf {

// {\colortbl;\red 0\green 0\blue 0;\red 255\green 0\ blue0;\red0 ...}
var $colour_table = array();
var $colour_rgb;
// {\fonttbl{\f0}{\f1}{f...}}
var $font_table = array();
var $font_face;
var $font_size;
// {\info {\title } {\author } {\operator }}
var $info_table = array();
var $page_width;
var $page_height;
var $page_size;
var $page_orientation;
var $rtf_version;
var $tab_width;

var $document;
var $buffer;

function rtf($config="rtf_config.php") {

$this->rtf_version = $rtf_version;
$this->tab_width = $tab_width;

function setDefaultFontFace($face) {
$this->font_face = $face; // $font is interger

function setDefaultFontSize($size) {
$this->font_size = $size;

function setTitle($title="") {
$this->info_table["title"] = $title;

function setAuthor($author="") {
$this->info_table["author"] = $author;

function setOperator($operator="") {
$this->info_table["operator"] = $operator;

function setPaperSize($size=0) {
global $inch, $cm, $mm;

// 1 => Letter (8.5 x 11 inch)
// 2 => Legal (8.5 x 14 inch)
// 3 => Executive (7.25 x 10.5 inch)
// 4 => A3 (297 x 420 mm)
// 5 => A4 (210 x 297 mm)
// 6 => A5 (148 x 210 mm)
// Orientation considered as Portrait

switch($size) {
case 1:
$this->page_width = floor(8.5*$inch);
$this->page_height = floor(11*$inch);
$this->page_size = 1;
case 2:
$this->page_width = floor(8.5*$inch);
$this->page_height = floor(14*$inch);
$this->page_size = 5;
case 3:
$this->page_width = floor(7.25*$inch);
$this->page_height = floor(10.5*$inch);
$this->page_size = 7;
case 4:
$this->page_width = floor(297*$mm);
$this->page_height = floor(420*$mm);
$this->page_size = 8;
case 5:
$this->page_width = floor(210*$mm);
$this->page_height = floor(297*$mm);
$this->page_size = 9;
case 6:
$this->page_width = floor(148*$mm);
$this->page_height = floor(210*$mm);
$this->page_size = 10;

function setPaperOrientation($orientation=0) {
// 1 => Portrait
// 2 => Landscape

switch($orientation) {
case 1:
$this->page_orientation = 1;
case 2:
$this->page_orientation = 2;

function addColour($hexcode) {
// Get the RGB values

// Register in the colour table array
$this->colour_table[] = array(
"red" => $this->colour_rgb["red"],
"green" => $this->colour_rgb["green"],
"blue" => $this->colour_rgb["blue"]

// Convert HEX to RGB (#FFFFFF => r255 g255 b255)
function hex2rgb($hexcode) {
$hexcode = str_replace("#", "", $hexcode);
$rgb = array();
$rgb["red"] = hexdec(substr($hexcode, 0, 2));
$rgb["green"] = hexdec(substr($hexcode, 2, 2));
$rgb["blue"] = hexdec(substr($hexcode, 4, 2));

$this->colour_rgb = $rgb;

// Convert newlines into \par
function nl2par($text) {
$text = str_replace("\n", "\\par ", $text);

return $text;

// Add a text string to the document buffer
function addText($text) {
$text = str_replace("\n", "", $text);
$text = str_replace("\t", "", $text);
$text = str_replace("\r", "", $text);

$this->document .= $text;

// Ouput the RTF file
function getDocument() {
$this->buffer .= "{";
// Header
$this->buffer .= $this->getHeader();
// Font table
$this->buffer .= $this->getFontTable();
// Colour table
$this->buffer .= $this->getColourTable();
// File Information
$this->buffer .= $this->getInformation();
// Default font values
$this->buffer .= $this->getDefaultFont();
// Page display settings
$this->buffer .= $this->getPageSettings();
// Parse the text into RTF
$this->buffer .= $this->parseDocument();
$this->buffer .= "}";

header("Content-Type: text/enriched\n");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=rtf.rtf");
echo $this->buffer;

// Header
function getHeader() {
$header_buffer = "\\rtf{$this->rtf_version}\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab{$this->tab_width}\n\n";

return $header_buffer;

// Font table
function getFontTable() {
global $fonts_array;

$font_buffer = "{\\fonttbl\n";
foreach($fonts_array AS $fnum => $farray) {
$font_buffer .= "{\\f{$fnum}\\f{$farray['family']}\\fcharset{$farray['charset']} {$farray['name']}}\n";
$font_buffer .= "}\n\n";

return $font_buffer;

// Colour table
function getColourTable() {
$colour_buffer = "";
if(sizeof($this->colour_table) > 0) {
$colour_buffer = "{\\colortbl;\n";
foreach($this->colour_table AS $cnum => $carray) {
$colour_buffer .= "\\red{$carray['red']}\\green{$carray['green']}\\blue{$carray['blue']};\n";
$colour_buffer .= "}\n\n";

return $colour_buffer;

// Information
function getInformation() {
$info_buffer = "";
if(sizeof($this->info_table) > 0) {
$info_buffer = "{\\info\n";
foreach($this->info_table AS $name => $value) {
$info_buffer .= "{\\{$name} {$value}}";
$info_buffer .= "}\n\n";

return $info_buffer;

// Default font settings
function getDefaultFont() {
$font_buffer = "\\f{$this->font_face}\\fs{$this->font_size}\n";

return $font_buffer;

// Page display settings
function getPageSettings() {
if($this->page_orientation == 1)
$page_buffer = "\\paperw{$this->page_width}\\paperh{$this->page_height}\n";
$page_buffer = "\\paperw{$this->page_height}\\paperh{$this->page_width}\\landscape\n";

$page_buffer .= "\\pgncont\\pgndec\\pgnstarts1\\pgnrestart\n";

return $page_buffer;

// Convert special characters to ASCII
function specialCharacters($text) {
$text_buffer = "";
for($i = 0; $i <>escapeCharacter($text[$i]);

return $text_buffer;

// Convert special characters to ASCII
function escapeCharacter($character) {
$escaped = "";
if(ord($character) >= 0x00 && ord($character) < escaped = "\\'">= 0x20 && ord($character) < escaped =" $character;">= 0x80 and ord($character) < escaped = "\\'" escaped = "\\" doc_buffer =" $this-">specialCharacters($this->document);


    (.*?)<\/UL>/mi", $doc_buffer)) {
    $doc_buffer = str_replace("
      ", "", $doc_buffer);
      $doc_buffer = str_replace("
    ", "", $doc_buffer);
    $doc_buffer = preg_replace("/
  • (.*?)<\/LI>/mi", "\\f3\\'B7\\tab\\f{$this->font_face} \\1\\par", $doc_buffer);

    $doc_buffer = preg_replace("/

    (.*?)<\/P>/mi", "\\1\\par ", $doc_buffer);
    $doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/STRONG>/mi", "\\b \\1\\b0 ", $doc_buffer);
    $doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/EM>/mi", "\\i \\1\\i0 ", $doc_buffer);
    $doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/U>/mi", "\\ul \\1\\ul0 ", $doc_buffer);
    $doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/STRIKE>/mi", "\\strike \\1\\strike0 ", $doc_buffer);
    $doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/SUB>/mi", "{\\sub \\1}", $doc_buffer);
    $doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/SUP>/mi", "{\\super \\1}", $doc_buffer);

    //$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/

    (.*?)<\/H1>/mi", "\\pard\\qc\\fs40 \\1\\par\\pard\\fs{$this->font_size} ", $doc_buffer);
    //$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/

    (.*?)<\/H2>/mi", "\\pard\\qc\\fs32 \\1\\par\\pard\\fs{$this->font_size} ", $doc_buffer);

    $doc_buffer = preg_replace("/

    (.*?)<\/H1>/mi", "\\fs48\\b \\1\\b0\\fs{$this->font_size}\\par ", $doc_buffer);
    $doc_buffer = preg_replace("/

    (.*?)<\/H2>/mi", "\\fs36\\b \\1\\b0\\fs{$this->font_size}\\par ", $doc_buffer);
    $doc_buffer = preg_replace("/

    (.*?)<\/H3>/mi", "\\fs27\\b \\1\\b0\\fs{$this->font_size}\\par ", $doc_buffer);

    $doc_buffer = preg_replace("//i", "\\brdrb\\brdrs\\brdrw30\\brsp20 \\pard\\par ", $doc_buffer);
    $doc_buffer = str_replace("
    ", "\\par ", $doc_buffer);
    $doc_buffer = str_replace("", "\\tab ", $doc_buffer);

    $doc_buffer = $this->nl2par($doc_buffer);

    return $doc_buffer;


$rtf->setTitle("RTF Document");


Name given to the font,
// "family" => [nil, roman, swiss, modern, script, decor, tech, bidi],
// "charset" => 0
// );

$fonts_array[] = array(
"name" => "Arial",
"family" => "swiss",
"charset" => 0

$fonts_array[] = array(
"name" => "Times New Roman",
"family" => "roman",
"charset" => 0

$fonts_array[] = array(
"name" => "Verdana",
"family" => "swiss",
"charset" => 0

$fonts_array[] = array(
"name" => "Symbol",
"family" => "roman",
"charset" => 2

// Control Words
$control_array = array();

source lengkap coba download di php http://www.phpclasses.org

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