Setelah di download ekstrak ke dalam satu folder,dan pastikan bahwa di folder tersebut terdapat, class_rtp.php, getrtf.php, rtf_config.php,source_rtf.php,index.html. Yang bertugas untuk mengubah pengiriman teks ke format rtf adalah getrtf, untuk mencobanya jalankan di browser Anda index.html.
berikut contoh script:
// $rtf->setPaperOrientation(1);
// $rtf->setDefaultFontFace(0);
// $rtf->setDefaultFontSize(24);
// $rtf->setAuthor("noginn");
// $rtf->setOperator("");
// $rtf->setTitle("RTF Document");
// $rtf->addColour("#000000");
// $rtf->addText($_POST['text']);
// $rtf->getDocument();
class rtf {
// {\colortbl;\red 0\green 0\blue 0;\red 255\green 0\ blue0;\red0 ...}
var $colour_table = array();
var $colour_rgb;
// {\fonttbl{\f0}{\f1}{f...}}
var $font_table = array();
var $font_face;
var $font_size;
// {\info {\title
var $info_table = array();
var $page_width;
var $page_height;
var $page_size;
var $page_orientation;
var $rtf_version;
var $tab_width;
var $document;
var $buffer;
function rtf($config="rtf_config.php") {
$this->rtf_version = $rtf_version;
$this->tab_width = $tab_width;
function setDefaultFontFace($face) {
$this->font_face = $face; // $font is interger
function setDefaultFontSize($size) {
$this->font_size = $size;
function setTitle($title="") {
$this->info_table["title"] = $title;
function setAuthor($author="") {
$this->info_table["author"] = $author;
function setOperator($operator="") {
$this->info_table["operator"] = $operator;
function setPaperSize($size=0) {
global $inch, $cm, $mm;
// 1 => Letter (8.5 x 11 inch)
// 2 => Legal (8.5 x 14 inch)
// 3 => Executive (7.25 x 10.5 inch)
// 4 => A3 (297 x 420 mm)
// 5 => A4 (210 x 297 mm)
// 6 => A5 (148 x 210 mm)
// Orientation considered as Portrait
switch($size) {
case 1:
$this->page_width = floor(8.5*$inch);
$this->page_height = floor(11*$inch);
$this->page_size = 1;
case 2:
$this->page_width = floor(8.5*$inch);
$this->page_height = floor(14*$inch);
$this->page_size = 5;
case 3:
$this->page_width = floor(7.25*$inch);
$this->page_height = floor(10.5*$inch);
$this->page_size = 7;
case 4:
$this->page_width = floor(297*$mm);
$this->page_height = floor(420*$mm);
$this->page_size = 8;
case 5:
$this->page_width = floor(210*$mm);
$this->page_height = floor(297*$mm);
$this->page_size = 9;
case 6:
$this->page_width = floor(148*$mm);
$this->page_height = floor(210*$mm);
$this->page_size = 10;
function setPaperOrientation($orientation=0) {
// 1 => Portrait
// 2 => Landscape
switch($orientation) {
case 1:
$this->page_orientation = 1;
case 2:
$this->page_orientation = 2;
function addColour($hexcode) {
// Get the RGB values
// Register in the colour table array
$this->colour_table[] = array(
"red" => $this->colour_rgb["red"],
"green" => $this->colour_rgb["green"],
"blue" => $this->colour_rgb["blue"]
// Convert HEX to RGB (#FFFFFF => r255 g255 b255)
function hex2rgb($hexcode) {
$hexcode = str_replace("#", "", $hexcode);
$rgb = array();
$rgb["red"] = hexdec(substr($hexcode, 0, 2));
$rgb["green"] = hexdec(substr($hexcode, 2, 2));
$rgb["blue"] = hexdec(substr($hexcode, 4, 2));
$this->colour_rgb = $rgb;
// Convert newlines into \par
function nl2par($text) {
$text = str_replace("\n", "\\par ", $text);
return $text;
// Add a text string to the document buffer
function addText($text) {
$text = str_replace("\n", "", $text);
$text = str_replace("\t", "", $text);
$text = str_replace("\r", "", $text);
$this->document .= $text;
// Ouput the RTF file
function getDocument() {
$this->buffer .= "{";
// Header
$this->buffer .= $this->getHeader();
// Font table
$this->buffer .= $this->getFontTable();
// Colour table
$this->buffer .= $this->getColourTable();
// File Information
$this->buffer .= $this->getInformation();
// Default font values
$this->buffer .= $this->getDefaultFont();
// Page display settings
$this->buffer .= $this->getPageSettings();
// Parse the text into RTF
$this->buffer .= $this->parseDocument();
$this->buffer .= "}";
header("Content-Type: text/enriched\n");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=rtf.rtf");
echo $this->buffer;
// Header
function getHeader() {
$header_buffer = "\\rtf{$this->rtf_version}\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab{$this->tab_width}\n\n";
return $header_buffer;
// Font table
function getFontTable() {
global $fonts_array;
$font_buffer = "{\\fonttbl\n";
foreach($fonts_array AS $fnum => $farray) {
$font_buffer .= "{\\f{$fnum}\\f{$farray['family']}\\fcharset{$farray['charset']} {$farray['name']}}\n";
$font_buffer .= "}\n\n";
return $font_buffer;
// Colour table
function getColourTable() {
$colour_buffer = "";
if(sizeof($this->colour_table) > 0) {
$colour_buffer = "{\\colortbl;\n";
foreach($this->colour_table AS $cnum => $carray) {
$colour_buffer .= "\\red{$carray['red']}\\green{$carray['green']}\\blue{$carray['blue']};\n";
$colour_buffer .= "}\n\n";
return $colour_buffer;
// Information
function getInformation() {
$info_buffer = "";
if(sizeof($this->info_table) > 0) {
$info_buffer = "{\\info\n";
foreach($this->info_table AS $name => $value) {
$info_buffer .= "{\\{$name} {$value}}";
$info_buffer .= "}\n\n";
return $info_buffer;
// Default font settings
function getDefaultFont() {
$font_buffer = "\\f{$this->font_face}\\fs{$this->font_size}\n";
return $font_buffer;
// Page display settings
function getPageSettings() {
if($this->page_orientation == 1)
$page_buffer = "\\paperw{$this->page_width}\\paperh{$this->page_height}\n";
$page_buffer = "\\paperw{$this->page_height}\\paperh{$this->page_width}\\landscape\n";
$page_buffer .= "\\pgncont\\pgndec\\pgnstarts1\\pgnrestart\n";
return $page_buffer;
// Convert special characters to ASCII
function specialCharacters($text) {
$text_buffer = "";
for($i = 0; $i <>escapeCharacter($text[$i]);
return $text_buffer;
// Convert special characters to ASCII
function escapeCharacter($character) {
$escaped = "";
if(ord($character) >= 0x00 && ord($character) < escaped = "\\'">= 0x20 && ord($character) < escaped =" $character;">= 0x80 and ord($character) < escaped = "\\'" escaped = "\\" doc_buffer =" $this-">specialCharacters($this->document);
- (.*?)<\/UL>/mi", $doc_buffer)) {
- (.*?)<\/LI>/mi", "\\f3\\'B7\\tab\\f{$this->font_face} \\1\\par", $doc_buffer);
$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/P>/mi", "\\1\\par ", $doc_buffer);
$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/STRONG>/mi", "\\b \\1\\b0 ", $doc_buffer);
$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/EM>/mi", "\\i \\1\\i0 ", $doc_buffer);
$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/U>/mi", "\\ul \\1\\ul0 ", $doc_buffer);
$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/STRIKE>/mi", "\\strike \\1\\strike0 ", $doc_buffer);
$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/SUB>/mi", "{\\sub \\1}", $doc_buffer);
$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/SUP>/mi", "{\\super \\1}", $doc_buffer);
//$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/H1>/mi", "\\pard\\qc\\fs40 \\1\\par\\pard\\fs{$this->font_size} ", $doc_buffer);
//$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/H2>/mi", "\\pard\\qc\\fs32 \\1\\par\\pard\\fs{$this->font_size} ", $doc_buffer);
$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/H1>/mi", "\\fs48\\b \\1\\b0\\fs{$this->font_size}\\par ", $doc_buffer);
$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/H2>/mi", "\\fs36\\b \\1\\b0\\fs{$this->font_size}\\par ", $doc_buffer);
$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/H3>/mi", "\\fs27\\b \\1\\b0\\fs{$this->font_size}\\par ", $doc_buffer);
$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/
/i", "\\brdrb\\brdrs\\brdrw30\\brsp20 \\pard\\par ", $doc_buffer);
$doc_buffer = str_replace("
", "\\par ", $doc_buffer);
$doc_buffer = str_replace("", "\\tab ", $doc_buffer);
$doc_buffer = $this->nl2par($doc_buffer);
return $doc_buffer;
$doc_buffer = str_replace("
- ", "", $doc_buffer);
$doc_buffer = str_replace("
$doc_buffer = preg_replace("/
$rtf->setTitle("RTF Document");
Name given to the font,
// "family" => [nil, roman, swiss, modern, script, decor, tech, bidi],
// "charset" => 0
// );
$fonts_array[] = array(
"name" => "Arial",
"family" => "swiss",
"charset" => 0
$fonts_array[] = array(
"name" => "Times New Roman",
"family" => "roman",
"charset" => 0
$fonts_array[] = array(
"name" => "Verdana",
"family" => "swiss",
"charset" => 0
$fonts_array[] = array(
"name" => "Symbol",
"family" => "roman",
"charset" => 2
// Control Words
$control_array = array();
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